Posted by: Captain Mike | June 4, 2012

Origins 2012!

Well, I’ve just returned from Origins 2012, and it occurs to me that if only I had some sort of blog, I could communicate my thoughts on it. Oh, right, I still have this one. Well, avast me hearties and raise the html, I’ll talk about Origins!

This year saw both the Mega-Meta Smithee Awards and the 21st Annual Smithees, and I was honored to help out at both. Many, many clips of terrible movies were viewed, and much fun was had. I’ve been ballot-collecting for the Smithees for several years now, and it was kind of nice to notice that the fans of the Smithees regard me as a regular fixture.

When I first started going to Origins, I spent a lot of time in the dealer room playing game demos and then playin games in the open gaming areas. I wasn’t a pirate then, I was just another gamer in jeans and a t-shirt. After a while, I started signing up for games and seminars, and that was fun – it was a nice chance to game with people I didn’t know at all and learn a thing or two about game theory and suchlike. But when I started putting on the pirate outfit (I don’t think of it as a costume now), I found that the best thing to do was to walk around.

I know it sounds shallow and vain to say that the best part of Origins is walking around having people take my picture, and that is really, really fun, but that’s not it. I like walking around because it’s my chance to talk to all kinds of people. I love chatting with vendors and gamers and anyone I come across. For some reason people are much more receptive to a pirate walking up and striking a conversation than just some guy. Though make no mistake – Captain Mike loooooves getting his picture taken, especially with people.

Which reminds me – Captain Mike needs you…r pictures of him! I don’t have any pictures of me at the con, or pictures of you! Feel free to send some to so that I can remember a little more of what went on. I’m still in a post-convention haze, so some of the finer details are a blur.

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